Smart Lock Installation FAQ

Common Forms of Intercom Technology

Electronic door locks are increasingly popular today – for their massive benefits of convenience and heightened security. In this blog entry, the Chicago smart lock installation experts here at Chicago Locksmith will detail some common questions we get asked about smart lock installation service.

Do electronic locks need physical keys?

No, electronic locks don’t need physical keys. You can opt to have the option to additionally have a physical key, but based on the model of lock you choose, your primary method of entry will be keycard, input code, biometric scan, or proximity sensor.

Can electronic locks be installed on home doors also, or just businesses?

Electronic locks can be installed on any and all doors – any location that can fit a typical traditional lock can also house an electronic lock!

Can electronic door locks be controlled remotely?

Yes! This is one of their major benefits – electronic door locks can be monitored and controlled through Smartphones, computers, and other mobile devices through dedicated, password-protected applications.

Why are electronic locks better than traditionally keyed locks?

Electronic door locks are superior to traditional locks for a few reasons. One, they make situations of being locked out due to forgotten keys impossible – so there’s no panic when you can’t find your keys! Additionally, temporary keys can be issued to guests, friends, and visitors, and locks can be controlled remotely from anywhere in the world!

Can I change my electronic lock codes?

Yes, electronic lock codes can be changed directly through the mobile application or the lock itself.

Will my electronic lock work during power outages?

Electronic locks have battery backups that allow them to function even during a power failure.

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