Summer Security Tips

If there’s any sort of downside to Summer, the best season of the year, it’s’ that there’s an increase home burglaries. So why don’t you take a minute to read our top Summer security tips, as prepared by the Chicago residential locksmith and home security experts here at Chicago Locksmiths– it will greatly help your peace of mind, whether you’re at home, at the beach, or on vacation.

Put yourself in a burglar’s shoes

Look objectively at your property and try to find a way in. Ladders, tall trees, shrubs, unlocked windows, dog doors, or vents are all likely targets. Think creatively and sneakily – and then remedy any open security doors that you can see.

Get a key chain

These life saving simple tools can help you keep track of your keys at all times, even when you’re running around from one fun activity to another. Never have your home address on your keys, because it’s basically an invitation to burglars to enter your home.

Keep your home brightly lit

Burglars will take advantage of long summer nights in order to sneak into your home under the cover of darkness. By getting an automatic or motion-detector light system you can make sure that your home is always well-lit, making much harder for burglars to behave surreptitiously.

Don’t open up for strangers

Never open your door for any strangers, even salespeople (burglars often pose as salespeople or census takers in order to gain access into homes.) Summer is the most commons reason for distraction burglaries, so be aware of anyone who suddenly shows up at your doorstep with a sudden dramatic and distracting dilemma.

Be friends with your neighbors

If you’re going away ask your neighbor to keep watch over your home just to make sure that nothing suspicious is happening.

Don’t advertise going away

Be careful what you post on social media, taking care not to make broad announcements of your summer plans. You never know who can access your information, and you definitely don’t want to be telling any burglars plainly that you’re not going to be home – it’s basically fresh pickings for them.

Have an alarm system

There’s a burglary in the USA every 15 seconds, so make sure that you have an alarm system that’s broadly advertised, with tons of signs, window decals, and fence signage. You want it clear to anyone on your property that your home is protected, which is a great deterrent for burglars to go find another target. 

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